The Entrance to the Ninth Underworld

Nobody told us that selling double-N tickets was a crime. Glottis seems to have gone a bit mad, so follow him – maybe he is right at the bottom of all the stairs. Open the coffin to find the grumpy guy from Year 1. You got here just as slowly as he did, but at least your trip was interesting, eh? Pick up the mug from the package.
Go and speak to the weird guy at the top, and laugh as Nick gets his comeuppance.
Walk into the cable-car station, and talk to the mechanics about Glottis’ condition. You have neglected him – Glottis is for life, not just for fixing engines. Walk into the kitchen, and get the rag from the drawer. Use it with the oil drums in the cable-car station, and walk back into the kitchen. Use your mug in the mug-tree, and then use the oily rag in the toaster. Watch as the mechanics walk in with a fire extinguisher – it’s not a magnesium extinguisher, is it? Oh.
Glottis seems cured, but if he wasn’t such a wimp you would be in El Marrow. Unfortunately, Glottis decides you need another swim in the Sea of Lament. Rats.
Open the door where the Bone Wagon is kept.
Who could have done this? Who? WHO?
Go and talk to the harbour-master. Tell him about the ship, and he’ll run off to get it. Pick up his ship in the bottle (he’s still working on it?)
Go to the tattoo parlour, and get the liquid nitrogen from the cupboard.
Walk to the Blue Casket, and enter the kitchen. Use the ship in the bottle with the dirty water, and go back outside. For some bizarre reason, Manny allows Olivia to go with him to El Marrow.
Give the ship in the bottle to Glottis, who will quite like the taste. He’ll come back, feeling sick. Talk to him about food until he is sick all over the trap. Use the liquid nitrogen with the trap, and disable the bomb. Enjoy.
Nuevo Marrow

The LSA seems to have expanded whilst you were away, and the city has changed a bit, too. In the LSA HQ (which has a bit more technology now), pick up the arm from the “dead” soldier, and pick up his photo from the bin. Show the photo to the carrier pigeon, and give it the threatening message from Hector. Hector’s gun specialist will do a runner.
Walk to the place where the stage show is. Pick up the coffee maker, and climb the ladder. Drop the coffee on the bloke’s head to make him run off. You can now have a job as a guy with a silly face – just go into the dressing room. This also provides a good disguise, which is nice. Now climb that ladder again and pick up the grinder from the snow-maker. [Editor: You may wish to add the LSA soldier’s arm to the grinder at this point to save some time later!]
Bowsley has run away into the labyrinths, where a scary monster lurks. Pick up the remote control from the bone-wagon and raise the wagon. Use the LSA solder’s arm with the grinder to make a bone-grinder. Use this to sprinkle bone fragments over the Sproutella to make a trail. Sprinkle the bone fragments at the mouth of the cave you saw Bowsley run down, and get the Bone Wagon to give you some light.
Climb out of the Bone Wagon when you encounter the scary monster, and walk along the platform. Use the remote control to raise the Bone Wagon. Wait until the monster’s tail is under the wagon, and then use the remote again to drop the Bone Wagon. It’s now safe to climb down the ladder.
Go inside the florist’s shop. You’ll notice he’s gone a little mad. Remove the wool from the door, and walk out. Walk back in to find him all smiles – now you have a gun and some extra ammo.
Go into the casino, and talk to the guy in the raincoat – he’s a member of the LSA. Now talk to Meche, and make sure she knows it’s really you. Drop the sheet over Charlie, and tell the LSA member to make the fruit machine pay out. You’ll now have some better clothes.
Go into the guarded lift – the guard won’t let you in unless you really know Hector. When he asks you a question, the answer is one of the numbers behind Manny’s head. Talk to Celso and his wife, and talk them into agreeing to Hector’s deal. Hector is very impressed, and tries to hire you for the LSA – you’ll have Manny Calavera’s old office.
You try to shoot Hector, but his highly trained bodyguard takes the blast instead. Hector tries to jump the roof, but doesn’t make it – however, his real double-N tickets do. Go onto the roof, and look at the gargoyle supporting the “roof decoration”. Use the bone grinder to sprinkle bone fragments into the crack, then use the sproutella with the bone fragments. The decoration makes a perfect bridge.

It looks like Meche and you are heading for a dream ending, when things go slightly wrong. I told you it was bizarre that Manny let Olivia come.
“Hola, Manuel!”
Hector won’t be too pleased with Manny – he tried to kill him, after all. Hector tries to return the favour, but unfortunately Bowsley took all the fast-acting sproutella with him. Rats. Use the liquid nitrogen to get rid of that pathetic growth.
Talk to Salvador. Witness Olivia’s death. Be glad.
Open the suitcase of double-N tickets, and pick up Salvador’s. Go behind the greenhouse at the top of the hill, and use the ticket to locate Salvador’s body. Get the keys from his pockets, and go and open the car boot. If you like, go to the greenhouse to have a shooting match with Hector – you won’t be injured.
Walk to the water tanks at the bottom of the hill, and use the gun with it. Walk to the greenhouse, and go in. The greenhouse has been redecorated , Hector-style.
The End
The brilliant and lovely ending sequence rolls. You have completed LucasArts’ finest adventure to date without putting any thought into it whatsoever. You cheat. Don’t you feel bad now? No? You ignorant demonic skull.
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